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派 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 派 意味

faction, group, party, clique, sect, school

派 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.



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君は、どちらの派に所属しているのですか。Which party do you belong to?
私はネコ派です。I am a cat person.
私は断然ウィンドウズ派。I’m a Windows person.
彼はいわゆる行動派だ。He is what is called a man of action.
彼のアイデア派全く価値がない。His idea counts for nothing.
物事をじっくり考える慎重派です。I’m the type who likes to think things over very carefully.
彼は福田派に属していました。He once belonged to the Fukuda faction.
その彫刻家はルネサンス派に属する。The sculptor belongs to the Renaissance school.
反体制派はすべて旧体制のもとで粛清されました。All political dissidents were purged under the former regime.
ボブについて言えば、彼はどんなことでも受け入れるタイプだが、ジェーンは対照的にとても慎重派だ。As far as Bob is concerned, anything goes. By contrast, Jane is very cautious.
