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党 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 党 意味

party, faction, clique

党 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


なかま nakama
むら mura


トウ tou


彼女は根っからのコーヒー党です。She’s die-hard coffee drinker.
彼女はその党の指導的任務につくことを承認した。She has consented to take the leadership of the party.
彼は党の主導権を握った。He took the leadership of the party.
その党は総選挙で圧勝した。The Party won a sweeping victory at the general election.
新聞は2党間の抗争を報じた。The newspaper reported friction between the two parties.
その党は急激にのびた。The party gained ground rapidly.
彼は党の代表に立てられた。He was constituted representative of the party.
彼は党を内部から改革しようとした。He tried to reform the party from within.
内紛が党の分裂したもとです。Strife is the rock on which the party split.
インフレ問題が党を分裂させた。The inflation issue split the party.
