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雄 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 雄 意味

masculine, male, hero, leader, superiority, excellence

雄 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


お- o-
おす osu
おん on


ユウ yuu


雄のくじゃくは尾の羽毛が色彩豊かである。The male peacock has colorful tail feathers.
あの犬はオスかメスか。Is that dog male or female?
犬は3匹いますが、1匹が雄であとは雌です。I have three dogs; one is male and the others are female.
谷雄がそのパーティーに出席していた。Mr Tani and his wife were present at that party.
雌の鵞鳥のソースになるものは雄の鵞鳥のソースにもなる。What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
4月に孵化した雛も5ヶ月になった。身体の大きさは親鳥とほぼ同じ、オス鳥のとさかが少し小さいぐらいか。The chicks hatched in April have also become 5 months old. Their bodies are about the same size as their parents, about the only difference is that the roosters have smaller crests than their father.
ワニは暑い天候ではオスの子供しか生まないので、子供を産むメスがいなくなるという理由で、これもまた絶滅するかもしれない。The crocodile, which produces only male young in hotter weather, might die out too because there will be no females to breed.
