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節 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 節 意味

node, season, period, occasion, verse, clause, stanza, honor, joint, knuckle, knob, knot, tune, melody

節 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ふし fushi
-ぶし -bushi
のっと notto


セツ setsu
セチ sechi


彼には加古川の人を軽蔑しているふしがある。He seems to hold people from Kakogawa in contempt.
最後の2節を省略して歌いましょうか。We’ll sing that song, omitting the last two verses.
こちらにお出での節は、どうぞお立ち寄りください。Please drop in when you come this way.
この1節を読み、日本語に翻訳せよ。Read this passage and translate it into Japanese.
御近くにおいでの節は、ぜひ御立ち寄りください。Drop by any time you are in town.
こちらへお出かけの節は是非お立ち寄りください。If you happen to be out this way, be sure to call in at my house.
