稲 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
いね ine いな- ina-
トウ tou テ te
稲は雨の多い地域で作られる。Rice is grown in rainy regions.農夫達は稲を植えていた。The peasants were planting rice.今年は稲の育ちがいい。The rice is coming well this year.稲の収穫期にはお祭りをする。A festival is held at the rice harvest.稲の取り入れはもう済んだ。The rice crop is already in.若い稲はひどい被害を受けるだろう。Young rice plants will be badly harmed.冷たい天候が稲の発育を遅らせた。The cold weather slowed the growth of the rice plants.その農民は稲が実る日を待ち望んでいる。The farmer longs for the day when the grain ripens.新種の稲によっては年に2、3回収穫できる物もある。Some new kinds of rice can be harvested two or three times a year.