己 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
おのれ onore つちのと tsuchinoto な na
コ ko キ ki
他人を己を持って計ってはいけない。You must not judge others by yourself.「おんどりゃー馬鹿言ってんじゃねー」農家は言った。“Don’t say such rubbish!” said the farmer.オラ気分が良くなったで。でもよ、おとうさんに滅茶苦茶怒られちまうと思うべさ。I feel a lot better now, but I know Dad’s going to be real upset.賢者は己の失策から学ぶ。A wise man profits from his mistakes.己が誰なのか知れ。Know who you are.己を知ることは容易ではない。To know oneself is not easy.己も生き他も生かせ。Live and let live.己をもって他人を律するな。Don’t judge others by yourself.己の欲するところを人に施せ。Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.なんじの隣人をおのれのごとく愛すべし。You shall love your neighbor as yourself.