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巣 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 巣 意味

nest, rookery, hive, cobweb, den

巣 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


す su
す.くう su.kuu


ソウ sou


クモはいつも自分たちの巣を3次元に織る。Spiders always weave their webs in three dimensions.
ミツバチは、においのサンプルを巣に持ち帰ることによって食糧のありかを伝える。Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive.
鳥は木に巣を作る。Birds make their nests in trees.
鳥はいつも自分の巣に帰る。Birds always return to their nests.
鳥は小枝で巣を作る。Birds build nests of twigs.
蜘蛛は巣を張る。A spider weaves a web.
それを巣に戻しなさい。Put it back in the nest.
その鳥は巣の中にいる。The bird is in its nest.
すぐに鳥達は巣を飛び去った。At once the birds left their nests.
彼女は巣の中の鳥を注意して見つめた。She carefully watched the bird in the nest.
