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鳩 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 鳩 意味

pigeon, dove

鳩 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


はと hato
あつ.める atsu.meru


キュウ kyuu
ク ku


ハトは平和のシンボルである。The dove is a symbol of peace.
鳩は飛んでいった。The pigeon has flown away.
白い鳩はきれいな鳥です。White doves are pretty birds.
白いはとが屋根にいます。There is a white dove on the roof.
彼は実験にハトを使いました。He used pigeons in his experiment.
ハトは平和の表象である。A dove is a symbol of peace.
はとは平和を象徴する。The dove stands for peace.
彼はそれらをハトの目の後ろに見つけた。He found them in the pigeon’s heads, behind the eyes.
そして晴れた日にすべてのハトが家に戻ってきました。And on sunny days all the pigeons flew home.
キートンはハトの頭に磁石を取り付けた。Keeton put magnets on the heads of his pigeons.
