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裸 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 裸 意味

naked, nude, uncovered, partially clothed

裸 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


はだか hadaka


ラ ra


その少年は上半身裸であった。The boy was naked to the waist.
子供たちは裸で泳いでいた。The children were swimming in the altogether.
裸の男の子達が川で泳いでいた。Naked boys were swimming in the river.
彼は上半身裸だった。He was bare to the waist.
赤ちゃんは裸だった。The baby was in his birthday suit.
上半身裸になってください。Please undress from the waist up.
労働者たちは腰まで裸だった。The workers were naked to the waist.
まもなく木々は裸になるだろう。It won’t be long before the trees are bare.
ホテル内で裸になるな。You can’t go naked in this hotel.
王様は裸であることがわかった。The king turned out to be naked.
