錠 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
ジョウ jou
ラベルには1回2錠と書いてある。It says on the label to take two tablets.ドアにかんぬきをし、錠をかけた。We barred the door and locked it.錠が壊れている。The lock is broken.寝る前に風邪薬を3錠飲んだ。I took three tablets of a cold medicine before going to bed.彼は鍵を錠に差し込んだ。He put the key in the lock.このかぎは錠の中に入らない。This key won’t go in the lock.アスピリンを二錠飲みなさい。Take two aspirin tablets.鍵のない錠のよう。I’m a lock without a key.頭痛がしたのでアスピリンを2錠飲んだ。I took two aspirins for my headache.風邪が治るように彼はアスピリンを二錠飲んだ。He took two tablets of aspirin to get rid of his cold.