雌 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
め- me- めす mesu めん men
シ shi
カンガルーの雌は子供を腹の袋に入れて動く。A female kangaroo carries its young in the pouch.ココは雌のゴリラである。Koko is a female gorilla.私は雌猫を飼っている。I keep a female cat.あの犬はオスかメスか。Is that dog male or female?犬は3匹いますが、1匹が雄であとは雌です。I have three dogs; one is male and the others are female.雌豚の耳から絹の財布は作れない。You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.雌の鵞鳥のソースになるものは雄の鵞鳥のソースにもなる。What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.著者たちはごく少数の種の雌も歌うと非常に明確に述べている。The authors state quite categorically that the female members of only a small number of species also sing.弟は森に入るやいなや、川をみつけて渡った。向こう岸には雌熊がいて、ぐっすり眠っていた。No sooner had the younger brother gone into the forest than he found the river, swam across it, and there on the other side was the she-bear, fast asleep.雌熊は私たちを襲う。そして幸福をみつける代わりに、命を落としてすべてが無駄になってしまう。She will seize us, and, instead of finding happiness, we shall perish, and all for nothing.