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廉 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 廉 意味

bargain, reason, charge, suspicion, point, account, purity, honest, low price, cheap, rested, contented, peaceful

廉 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.



レン ren


彼は法を犯したかどで訴えられた。He was accused of having violated the law.
彼は強盗のかどで逮捕された。He was arrested on the charge of burglary.
彼は公金を悪用したかどで逮捕された。He was arrested for abusing public funds.
警察は密輸のかどで彼を捕縛した。The police arrested him for smuggling.
彼は規則違反のかどでクラブから除名された。He was excluded from the club for infractions of the rules.
その中年の男は暴行のかどで訴えられた。The middle aged man was charged with assault.
彼は酔払い運転のかどで5ポンドの科料に処せられた。He was fined five pounds for drunken driving.
ジョーンズ先生は授業中、いねむりをしたかどで私を叱った。Mr Jones reprimanded me for taking a spot of shut-eye during class.
その役人は請負業者にとり入ったかどで、くびになった。The official got the sack for currying favor with the contractors.
