慧 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
さとい satoi
ケイ kei エ e
え、そうですとも。Yes, that is most certainly so.え、出かける前に、しっかりかぎをかけたんですね。Really? I had locked it up before I went out.えー、信じらんなーい!Gee, unbelievable!えー、まだ11時。お昼まで後1時間もあるよ。What? It’s only eleven? We still have an hour to go before lunch.「これを見て」「え?」「バンパーの右側に衝突痕があるわ」“Take a look at this.” “Eh?” “There’s an impact mark on the right-hand side of the bumper.”「なあ、そこの姉さん」「え?」「ちょっと相談に乗ってくれないか?」“Say, you, the lady over there.” “Eh?” “Could you give me a bit of advice?”「おい。走ると危ないぞ」「え?・・・わっ、わ、うわわ~~~っ」「あーあー、言わんこっちゃない」“Hey! It’s dangerous to run here.” “Eh? … A-a-Aaah!!” “Oh dear, what did I tell you?”「そろそろ、人物写真でもやってみたらどうだ?」「え?スナップ・・・ですか?それは・・・」“Isn’t it about time you tried photographing people or something?” “Eh? Snapshots? I don’t know …”「・・・おい・・・おい、先生!」「え?・・・あ、ああ」「マジだいじょうぶ?休講にしたら?」“…Hey…Hey, teacher!” “Eh? Oh.” “Are you really OK? Shouldn’t you cancel the lesson?”え?トナーが切れてるんですか?仕方ないですね。加藤さん、すみませんが職員室に取りに行って下さい。Eh? Have we run out of toner? Oh well, sorry, but can you go the staff-room and get some, Katou?