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雛 - N1 Kanji

Meaning of 雛 意味

chick, squab, duckling, doll

雛 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ひな hina
ひよこ hiyoko


スウ suu
ス su
ジュ ju


ムクドリのヒナを親鳥に返せますか。Can you return starling chicks to their parents?
ルチアーノは大声援を背負って戦えるかもしれないが、彼はまだヒヨコに過ぎない。Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he’s still wet behind the ears.
彼女はひよこを買った。She bought a chick.
ひなを数えるな。Don’t count your chickens.
めん鳥がひなをかえしている。The hen is hatching her chicks.
母鳥が雛に虫を持ってきた。The mother bird brought worms for her young ones.
めんどりはひなを抱え込んでいる。The hen keeps her brood under her.
ひよこがかえらぬうちにその数を数えるな。Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
私たちは鳥がひなにえさをやる様子を観察した。We watched a bird feed its little ones.
