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革 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 革 意味

leather, skin, reform, become serious

革 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


かわ kawa


カク kaku


くつは革でつくられている。The shoes are made of leather.
あれは革のベルトです。That is a leather belt.
このバッグは革でできています。This bag is made of leather.
彼女は腰に革のベルトをしている。She is wearing a leather belt around her waist.
よい革は何年ももつものだ。Good leather will wear for years.
革のショルダーバッグを探しているのですが。I’m looking for a leather shoulder bag.
それらはざらざらした茶色の革で作られていた。They were made of rough brown leather.
あのサッカーボールは本物の革でできている。That football is made of genuine leather.
その靴は革に似た何か柔らかい材料で出来ていた。The shoes were made of some soft stuff that looked like leather.
この間はカンガルーの革の財布を土産に買ってきてくれた。The other day he bought a wallet made of kangaroo leather for me.
