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羽 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 羽 意味

feathers, counter for birds, rabbits

羽 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


は ha
わ wa
はね hane


ウ u


立派な羽が立派な鳥をつくる。Fine feathers make fine birds.
何百羽とキジを撃った。We shot pheasants by the hundred.
二羽のからすが空を飛んでいます。Two crows are flying in the sky.
その鳥は羽を震わせた。The bird quivered its wings.
鳥が2羽3羽飛んできた。Birds came flying by twos and threes.
鳥が2羽3羽飛んできた。Birds came flying by twos and threes.
私は鳥が1羽空を飛ぶのを見た。I saw a bird fly across the sky.
湖には何百羽もの鳥がいた。There were hundreds of birds on the lake.
私は何百羽もの鳥を見つけた。I caught sight of hundreds of birds.
羽は鳥に固有のものだ。Feathers are peculiar to birds.
