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裏 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 裏 意味

back, amidst, in, reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side

裏 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


うら ura


リ ri


今、何回の裏ですか。This is the bottom of what inning?
家のうらに広い庭があった。There was a large garden behind the house.
靴の裏にガムがこびりついちゃった。There’s gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
裏から手を回してくれるよ。He can pull strings for you.
表か裏か。Heads or tails?
劇場の裏に駐車場がある。There is a parking lot behind the theater.
その問題の裏には複雑な状況がある。There are complicated circumstances behind the matter.
封筒の裏に彼の住所を書いてしまった。I’ve written his address on the back of the envelope.
裏に何かあると思わずにはいられなかった。I could not but suspect that there was something behind it.
