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仲 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 仲 意味

go-between, relationship

仲 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


なか naka


チュウ chuu


私は彼とは訪問し合う仲だ。I am on visiting terms with him.
僕たちの仲はもう終わりだ。It’s all over between us.
彼との仲をとりもとうか。Do you want me to fix you up with him?
彼女は友達というより知り合いの仲です。She is more of an acquaintance than a friend.
私達の仲も終わりね。We’ll be finished!
だれも彼らの仲を引き裂けない。No one can separate them.
私は彼女と訪問し合う仲だ。I am on visiting terms with her.
彼女とは友達というより知り合いの仲です。She is more an acquaintance than a friend.
彼らはお互いに仲のよい間柄です。They are on good terms with each other.
彼とは学生時代から肝胆相照らす仲だよ。He and I have been inseparable friends since our student days.
