奥 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
おく oku おく.まる oku.maru くま kuma
オウ ou
彼は建物の奥に行ってみました。He went to the back of the building.彼の目はめがねの奥で笑っていた。His eyes were smiling behind his glasses.彼らはレストランの奥の方に座った。The group was seated in the back of the restaurant.部屋の奥の壁の中央に大きな窓がある。In the middle of the wall at the back of the room is a large window.彼は店の奥の暗い隅に姿を消した。He disappeared into a dark corner at the back of the shop.部屋の奥で何か音がするのに気がついた。They were suddenly aware of a noise in the back of the room.面疔ができた。小鼻の奥に1個、痛い塊がある。I have a facial boil. There’s a painful lump at the back of one nostril.よく聞き全く話さぬものは奥の間でも大広間でも歓迎される。He that hears much and speaks not at all shall be welcome both in bower and hall.この公園の西側に近いところは、道路の騒音も大きいが、奥にはいるともう聞こえない。Near the west side of the park there’s a lot of noise from the road, but when you go into the park you can’t hear it any more.あお向けに寝ると、舌やノドチンコがノドの奥に下がるため、上気道が塞がりやすくなります。If you sleep on your back it’s easier for your upper airway to be obstructed because your tongue, uvula, etc. slip towards the back of your throat.