柱 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
はしら hashira
チュウ chuu
この橋は10本の柱で支えられている。The bridge is supported by 10 posts.海外向け食品の輸出は農業関連産業の柱の一つです。Overseas food exports are one of the mainstays of agribusiness.彼は柱に頭をぶつけた。He bumped his head against a post.猫が柱でつめを研いでいた。A cat was sharpening its claws against a post.この橋を支えるには重い柱が必要だ。Heavy posts are needed to sustain this bridge.柱は右へ傾いて倒れた。The pillar tilted to the right and fell.大きな柱が湖水の眺めを遮っている。A large pillar obstructs the view of the lake.彼らは彼を柱に縛り付けた。They bound him to a pole.私達は二本の柱の間に針金を張った。We extended a wire between two posts.犬は柱に鎖でつながれていた。The dog was chained to the post.