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乳 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 乳 意味

milk, breasts

乳 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ちち chichi
ち chi


ニュウ nyuu


うちの牛は全く乳が出ない。Our cow doesn’t give us any milk.
牛は乳が出る。A cow gives us milk.
そのチーズは羊の乳から作られています。That cheese is made from sheep’s milk.
毎朝、雌牛は仔牛に乳をやる。Cows give their calves milk every morning.
ああ、牛の乳はそんなふうに搾るのですか。Oh, is that the way you milk a cow?
鯨は哺乳動物である。言い換えれば子に乳を与える。A whale is a mammal; in other words it feeds milk to its young.
赤ちゃんがお乳を欲しがっています。The baby is crying for milk.
和子が胸をはだけて赤ん坊に乳をふくませた。Kazuko bared her breast and fed the baby.
その赤ん坊は乳を飲まされてはじめて泣き止んだ。It was not until the baby was fed that he stopped crying.
