冊 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
ふみ fumi
サツ satsu サク saku
ポール、8冊までなら借りられるからね。Paul, we can borrow up to 8 books.太郎は何冊かの英会話テキストをロンドンに注文した。Taro ordered some English conversation textbooks from London.この辞書は12冊ある。This dictionary has 12 volumes.何冊かの本が盗まれた。A number of books were stolen.今朝から本を3冊読んだ。I have read three books since this morning.彼女は10冊も本を書いた。She wrote as many as ten books.部屋には1冊の本もなかった。There wasn’t a single book in the room.彼女は二千冊本を持っている。She has two thousand books.彼は毎週20冊もの本を読む。He reads as many as twenty books every week.彼は3年間に3冊本を書いた。He wrote three books in as many years.