軒 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
のき noki
ケン ken
10軒の家がその火事で焼失した。The fire burnt ten houses down.彼女は鳥かごを軒からつるした。She hung the cage from the eaves.2軒の家が並んでたっている。The two houses stand alongside of each other.彼は郵便局から三軒目に住んでいる。He lives three doors from the post office.20軒もの家が焼け落ちた。No less than twenty houses were burnt down.10軒の家がすっかり燃えた。Ten houses were burned down.彼の叔父は家を十軒も持っている。His uncle owns no fewer than ten houses.丘の上に1軒の家があります。There is a house on the hill.彼は今までのところ2軒の家を建てた。He has built two houses so far.医者は午後6軒往診した。The doctor made six house calls in the afternoon.