頭 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
あたま atama かしら kashira -がしら -gashira かぶり kaburi
トウ tou ズ zu ト to
アリスは頭に花をさしています。Alice has a flower on her head.トムは先週の頭に車を盗まれた。Tom had his car stolen early last week.鹿は1頭だけで走っていた。The deer was running by itself.使用人がしらは声を上げて「スミスご夫妻がおいでになりました」と告げた。The butler announced Mr. and Mrs. Smith.私、ケンと付き合ってるの。彼って、カッコ良くて優しくて、頭もいいの。おまけに、独身よ!I’m going with Ken. He is cool, gentle and smart. What’s more, he is single!頭が痛い。I have a headache.頭を上げるなよ。Keep your head down.彼女は頭を上げた。She held up her head.父の頭は白くなった。My father’s head has turned gray.頭が割れそうに痛い。I have a splitting headache.