歩 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
ある.く aru.ku あゆ.む ayu.mu
ホ ho ブ bu フ fu
彼女に追いつくために私は歩を速めた。I quickened my steps to catch up with her.3歩歩いてジャンプしなさい。Take three steps and jump.2歩前に出なさい。Advance two steps.二、三歩下がって下さい。Please walk back a few steps.我々の方が歩がよい。We have the edge on them.私は彼に3対1の有利な歩を与えようと申し出た。I offered him odds of 3 to 1.石につまづかないように彼女は注意深く歩を進めた。She walked carefully so as not to stumble over a rock.食堂はロビーの真隣だが・・・てゆーか、恵子の場所から、あと3歩しかないぞ?The dining hall is directly adjacent to the lobby, or rather, from where you are, it’s just three steps away?