笑 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
わら.う wara.u え.む e.mu
ショウ shou
あのわらは火が付きやすい。That straw catches fire easily.溺れる者は藁をも掴む。Drowning men clutch at straws.藁なしで煉瓦はできない。You cannot make bricks without straw.北海道では藁の馬をつくる。In Hokkaido, they make horses of straw.わらの男でも金の女の値打ちがある。A man of straw is worth a woman of gold.彼はどんな藁をもつかむだろう。He’ll clutch at any straw.大昔の人々は泥や藁でできた家に住んでいた。In early days pioneers lived in houses made of mud and straw.最後のわら一本がらくだの背骨を折る。The last straw breaks the camel’s back.このわらのマット(日本語で畳)は、もはや手で作られない。These straw mats, called “tatami” in Japanese, are no longer made by hand.ぎりぎりの重荷を負ったラクダはわら1本でも積ませたら参ってしまう。It is the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.