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感 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 感 意味

emotion, feeling, sensation

感 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.



カン kan


私はしばしば絶望感に襲われた。I was often seized by despair.
動物に道徳感はない。An animal has no moral sense.
常に空腹感があります。I always feel hungry.
残尿感があります。Following urination I feel as though I still have to go more.
遠近感がとぼしいのです。I’m afraid my depth perception is very poor.
このところほのかな不安感がある。I’ve had a vague uneasiness.
その場には緊張感がみなぎっていた。The air was charged with tension.
あなたのお姉さんは審美感があるね。Your sister has a sense of beauty.
今朝目が覚めたとき、空腹感を覚えた。When I awoke this morning, I felt hungry.
我々は無力感を克服しなければならないであろう。We will have to get over the feeling of helplessness.
