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旧 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 旧 意味

old times, old things, old friend, former, ex-

旧 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ふる.い furu.i
もと moto


キュウ kyuu


官僚は旧法規の改正に関して、成り行きを見守っています。Bureaucrats are testing the waters over revising old regulations.
うちのかみさんは元プロレスラーで、だからもし私が浮気をしているところを見つかりでもしようものなら、それこそコテンパンにやられてしまうよ。My wife used to be a pro-wrestler, so if she ever catches me two-timing her, I’d be beaten to a pulp.
彼女はもと銀行員です。She was formerly a bank clerk.
新トンネルは旧トンネルの2倍の長さだ。The new tunnel is twice as long as the old one.
この本を書いた緒方氏は元新聞記者である。Mr Ogata, the author of this book, used to be a newspaperman.
某連盟元会長が背任の容疑で逮捕されました。The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.
今回の選挙は激戦で元大臣が何人も落ちた。The last election was such a hot contest that several ex-ministers lost.
会社は元会計を相手取って訴訟を起こした。The company took action against its former accountant.
元総理大臣の鈴木氏が、委員会の議長になるだろう。Mr Suzuki, who is a former Prime Minister, will be chairman of the committee.
旧システム用に書かれたソフトとの上位互換性を保つのは大切です。It is important to maintain backward compatibility with software that was written to run on the former system.
