容 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
い.れる i.reru
ヨウ you
君なりのやり方で仕事しなさい。Do your work in your own way.物質は温度によって形を変える。Matter changes its form according to temperature.給料をかたに私に500ドルが、前払いされた。I received a five hundred dollar advance on my pay.進行形の文では、動詞のing形、つまり現在分詞となります。In a progressive tense sentence it becomes the -ing form verb, that is the present participle.林檎の形は丸い。An apple is round in shape.色や形が識別できる。He identifies colors and shapes.箱の形は普通四角です。The shape of a box is usually square.鯨は魚と形が似ている。Whales are similar to fishes in shape.現代の橋は形が似ている。Modern bridges are similar in shape.あの雲は魚の形をしている。That cloud is in the shape of a fish.