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才 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 才 意味

genius, years old, cubic shaku

才 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.



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われわれのすべてが生まれつき音楽の才があるわけではない。Not all of us are born with musical talent.
54歳で死んだ。He died aged 54 years.
19歳です。I am 19 years old.
5歳の時は、バスの運転手になりたかった。I wanted to be a bus driver when I was five.
90歳以上生きることは決してまれではない。It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.
50歳は超えているはずだ。He must be over fifty.
6歳以上の子供は学校に通わなければならない。Children of six and above should attend school.
18歳未満の方の入場は禁じます。Entrance is restricted to those above 18.
13歳のときに彼女は家出した。When she was thirteen, she ran away from home.
12才の時彼は声変わりした。His voice broke when he was twelve.
