職 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
ショク shoku ソク soku
職探しはどうなったの。How is your job hunting going?彼は職を求めている。He is seeking employment.夫は失業中で職を探しています。My husband is out of work and looking for a job.彼はよい職を探していた。He was looking for a good job.大勢の人がその職を申し込んだ。A lot of people applied for the job.彼は職探しに忙しい。He is busy with job hunting.彼は職を失うことを心配している。He is worried about losing his job.彼は新聞の広告に応募して職を得た。He answered an advertisement in the paper and got the job.彼は、その会社に職を得た。He obtained a post in the company.私は職を変えようと考えた。I considered changing my job.