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極 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 極 意味

poles, settlement, conclusion, end, highest rank, electric poles, very, extremely, most, highly, 10**48

極 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


きわ.める kiwa.meru
きわ.まる kiwa.maru
きわ.まり kiwa.mari
きわ.み kiwa.mi
き.める ki.meru
き.まる ki.maru


キョク kyoku
ゴク goku


この磁場の線が2極で北の磁力と南の磁力の間に走っています。The lines of this field run between magnetic north and magnetic south at the two poles.
彼はごく普通の学生です。He’s just an ordinary student.
それはごく平凡な物語だ。It’s just another story.
空気中のごく小さい粒子がガンのもとになり得る。Tiny particles in the air can cause cancer.
彼がそういうのはごく普通の事だ。It is quite common for him to say so.
私の好みはごく当たり前さ。My taste is quite normal.
ごく内輪の集まりなのです。It’s quite an informal meeting.
私達はごくありふれた生活を送っている。We lead a very ordinary life.
幸福を願うのはごく普通のことだ。It is only normal to want to be happy.
ここでは暑い天気の続く期間はごく短い。The period of hot weather is very short here.
