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対 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 対 意味

vis-a-vis, opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare

対 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


あいて aite
こた.える kota.eru
そろ.い soro.i
つれあ.い tsurea.i
なら.ぶ nara.bu
むか.う muka.u


タイ tai
ツイ tsui


今日早稲田対慶応の試合がある。There is going to be a game between Waseda and Keio today.
我々のチームは3対1で試合に勝った。We won the game by three goals to one.
同社の昨年の対インド輸出は1億ドルに達した。The company’s exports to India amounted to $100 million last year.
この国の王は人ではなく、はるか天空に居られるという三対の翼を持つ神獣なんだ。The king of this country isn’t a person, but a divine beast with three pairs of wings said to be in far away in the sky.
3対1で負けた。We lost by a score of three to one.
私たちは3対2で負けた。We lost the game 3-2.
3対0で彼には負けています。He’s beating me, three to zip.
スコアは1対1だ。The score is one all.
長野は東京を2対3で破った。Nagano beat Tokyo 2 to 3.
最終スコアは2対0であった。The final score was two to nothing.
