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底 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 底 意味

bottom, sole, depth, bottom price, base, kind, sort

底 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


そこ soko


テイ tei


靴の底がすり減ってしまった。The soles of my shoes are worn.
底を持ってくれ。Grab the bottom.
靴の底にガムが付いてしまった。Gum got stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
ビンの底には水が少し残っていた。There was a little water left in the bottom of the bottle.
グラスの底に少しワインが残っている。There is a little wine left in the bottom of the glass.
彼は奈落の底に落ちた。He fell into the bottomless pit.
船は底に沈んだ。The boat sank to the bottom.
水が底まで澄んでいる。The water is clear to the bottom.
その船は海の底に沈んだ。The ship went down to the bottom of the sea.
バケツの底に穴があいてるよ。There’s a hole in the bottom of the bucket.
