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昼 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 昼 意味

daytime, noon

昼 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ひる hiru


チュウ chuu


昼はホットドッグを食べたんだ。I ate a hot dog for lunch.
ケンは昼まで家にいるでしょう。Ken will be at home until noon.
私は昼も夜も彼女のことを考えている。I think of her day and night.
彼女は昼ごろ現れた。She made her appearance around noon.
彼は昼眠って夜働く。He sleeps by day and works by night.
昼のツアーはありますか。Do you offer any day tours?
彼らは昼夜一生懸命働いた。They worked hard day and night.
私たちは、昼に休みをとる。We take a rest at noon.
我々は、昼は働き夜は休む。We work by day, and rest by night.
列車は昼までに駅に着くだろう。The train will probably arrive at the station before noon.
