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根 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 根 意味

root, radical, head (pimple)

根 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ね ne
-ね -ne


コン kon


彼らは皆、根は善良な男たちなのだ。They are all good men at heart.
彼は根は親切な男なのだ。He is by nature a kind fellow.
彼は根はいい奴だ。He is a good fellow at heart.
彼は根は正直な人間である。He is, at bottom, an honest man.
草花の根は赤ん坊の指のように弱い。The root of a flower is as weak as a baby’s finger.
彼は、根は親切な男です。He is a kind man at heart.
彼は根はやさしい男だった。He was a good fellow at heart.
彼は気難しそうに見えるが根はやさしい。He looks bad-tempered, but he is kind at heart.
この木は深くまで根が張っている。The roots of this tree go down deep.
この植物の根には水がものすごく必要。The roots of the plant are greedy for water.
