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孫 - N3 Kanji

Meaning of 孫 意味

grandchild, descendants

孫 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


まご mago


ソン son


その後は、多くの者が老人ホームで暮らすが、そこには子供とか孫が訪ねていくことが出来る。After that, many live in special homes for the aged where their children and grandchildren can come to visit them.
彼らは孫を誉めた。They spoke well of their grandson.
老人が孫たちに囲まれて座っていた。An old man sat surrounded by his grandchildren.
彼は孫への愛におぼれている。He dotes on his grandson.
彼女は孫達に囲まれて座っていた。She sat surrounded by her grandchildren.
その老人は孫をお供に従えていた。The old man was accompanied by his grandchild.
彼は孫と一緒のときが一番楽しそうだ。He is happiest when he is with his grandchildren.
孫たちは私に大きな喜びを与えてくれる。My grandchildren give me such a delight.
彼は孫達に囲まれて座っていました。He sat surrounded by his grandchildren.
孫と一緒にいると彼女はいつも楽しい。Being with her grandson always makes her happy.
