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文 - N4 Kanji

Meaning of 文 意味

sentence, literature, style, art, decoration, figures, plan, literary radical (no. 67)

文 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


ふみ fumi
あや aya


ブン bun
モン mon


私の後について各文を復唱しなさい。Repeat each sentence after me.
この文は意味があいまいだ。The meaning of this sentence is ambiguous.
この文は文法的に正しい。This sentence is grammatically correct.
この文の意味は曖昧だ。The meaning of this text is unclear.
先生は黒板に英語の文を書いた。The teacher wrote English sentences on the blackboard.
次の文を英訳せよ。Put the following sentences into English.
文は大文字で始まる。Sentences begin with a capital letter.
文は人なり。The style is the man himself.
文には普通、主語と動詞がある。A sentence normally has a subject and a verb.
