急 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
いそ.ぐ iso.gu いそ.ぎ iso.gi せ.く se.ku
キュウ kyuu
この川の流れは急だ。The current of this river is rapid.屋根にいく階段は狭くて急でくらいです。The staircase leading to the rooftop is narrow, steep, and dark.事態は急を要するので一刻も待てないと彼は言った。He said that the matter was urgent, and that there was not a moment to lose.急がなくてもいいよ。There’s no hurry.道路はそこから急な上りになる。The road ascends steeply from that point.道はそこから急な上り坂になる。The path ascends steeply from there.急がなければ汽車に遅れますよ。Be quick, or you will miss the train.急がなければ、急行に乗り遅れるぞ。You must hurry up, or you will miss the express.私はそのバナナの木を急な山道で見つけた。I found the banana on a steep mountain road.彼女は、それはあまりに急な知らせだと彼にぐちをこぼした。She complained to him that it was too short a notice.