女 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
おんな onna め me
ジョ jo ニョ nyo ニョウ nyou
彼が戻ってきた時には、女は歩み去っていた。When he came back, the woman had walked off.彼女は意地悪女だ。She’s a big teaser.黒い服の女をみた。I saw a woman in black.女は男の災いである。A woman is the woe of man.議論では女には勝てぬ。Women will have the last word.男も女も戦争に参加した。Men and women went into battle.男と女を比べてはいけない。You must not compare a man with a woman.女は夫次第でよくなるもの。A good Jack makes a good Jill.女はしゃべることが好きだ。Women like to talk.女として自覚なさ過ぎて怖い。It’s scary how little consideration she gives to being a woman.