- こんいん0
- matrimonialNoun
- こんいんとどけ5
- Marriage registrationNoun
- 2人は2月5日に婚姻届を出した。
They had their marriage registered on February 5.
- 2人は2月5日に婚姻届を出した。
They had their marriage registered on February 5.
- しんこん0
- newly wedIntransitive Noun
- 新婚旅行
newlywed travel
- その新婚夫婦は手をつないで歩いた。
The newly married couple walked hand in hand.
- その新婚夫婦は新婚旅行でハワイに出かけて行った。
The new couple have gone off to Hawaii on their honeymoon.
- なぜ新婚の日本人の男性は自分の妻について悪いことをいったのか。
Why did the newly married Japanese man say something bad about his wife?
- 新婚なのに子供?そう・・・息子は父親の連れ子。彼はバツイチというわけだ。
Newly weds but with a child? Yes, that's right - the son is from the father's former marriage. He's been divorced once.
- 新婚旅行
newlywed travel
- その新婚夫婦は手をつないで歩いた。
The newly married couple walked hand in hand.
- その新婚夫婦は新婚旅行でハワイに出かけて行った。
The new couple have gone off to Hawaii on their honeymoon.
- なぜ新婚の日本人の男性は自分の妻について悪いことをいったのか。
Why did the newly married Japanese man say something bad about his wife?
- 新婚なのに子供?そう・・・息子は父親の連れ子。彼はバツイチというわけだ。
Newly weds but with a child? Yes, that's right - the son is from the father's former marriage. He's been divorced once.
- きこん0
- marriedNoun
未婚 unmarried
- 既婚女性が家や夫や子供たちの面倒を見ることがどんなことか、彼女は知っていた。
She knew what it was like for married women to look after houses, husbands and children.
- 日本人には、見知らぬ人と会話を始めてまだくつろいだ気分にならないうちに、相手の、年齢や地位、既婚か未婚かなどの個人的な事柄を知りたがる傾向がある。
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.
未婚 unmarried
- 既婚女性が家や夫や子供たちの面倒を見ることがどんなことか、彼女は知っていた。
She knew what it was like for married women to look after houses, husbands and children.
- 日本人には、見知らぬ人と会話を始めてまだくつろいだ気分にならないうちに、相手の、年齢や地位、既婚か未婚かなどの個人的な事柄を知りたがる傾向がある。
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.
- みこん0
- unmarriedNoun
既婚 married
- その実験は未婚の男性100人を対象に行われた。
The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males.
- 彼は未婚だけど子供がいた。
He had a child even though he wasn't married.
- 私の兄は、未婚なので、所帯を持たず、奉公人と一緒によその家で食事をしていた。
My brother, being yet unmarried, did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another family.
- 日本人には、見知らぬ人と会話を始めてまだくつろいだ気分にならないうちに、相手の、年齢や地位、既婚か未婚かなどの個人的な事柄を知りたがる傾向がある。
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.
既婚 married
- その実験は未婚の男性100人を対象に行われた。
The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males.
- 彼は未婚だけど子供がいた。
He had a child even though he wasn't married.
- 私の兄は、未婚なので、所帯を持たず、奉公人と一緒によその家で食事をしていた。
My brother, being yet unmarried, did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another family.
- 日本人には、見知らぬ人と会話を始めてまだくつろいだ気分にならないうちに、相手の、年齢や地位、既婚か未婚かなどの個人的な事柄を知りたがる傾向がある。
There is a tendency for Japanese to want to know a certain amount of personal information about someone such as age, position and whether they are married or not, before they feel comfortable talking with a stranger.