- あられ0
- Small hail, snow pelletsNoun
- なにがし2 1
- So-and-so; some, severalNoun
- その事故は某映画スターの酔っぱらい運転のせいだった。
The accident was due to the drunken driving of a certain film star.
- 某連盟元会長が背任の容疑で逮捕されました。
The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.
- あやうく某業者の甘言に騙され、大損するところでした。
I was almost deceived by a certain trader's sweet words into making a huge loss.
- その事故は某映画スターの酔っぱらい運転のせいだった。
The accident was due to the drunken driving of a certain film star.
- 某連盟元会長が背任の容疑で逮捕されました。
The former president of a certain association has been arrested on suspicion of breach of trust.
- あやうく某業者の甘言に騙され、大損するところでした。
I was almost deceived by a certain trader's sweet words into making a huge loss.
- ひび2
- chapNoun
- ひな1
- Chicks; vintage dolls; small and cutePrefix Noun
- 雛菊
- ムクドリのヒナを親鳥に返せますか。
Can you return starling chicks to their parents?
- ルチアーノは大声援を背負って戦えるかもしれないが、彼はまだヒヨコに過ぎない。
Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he's still wet behind the ears.
- 彼女はひよこを買った。
She bought a chick.
- ひなを数えるな。
Don't count your chickens.
- 雛菊
- ムクドリのヒナを親鳥に返せますか。
Can you return starling chicks to their parents?
- ルチアーノは大声援を背負って戦えるかもしれないが、彼はまだヒヨコに過ぎない。
Luciano might have the crowd behind him, but he's still wet behind the ears.
- 彼女はひよこを買った。
She bought a chick.
- ひなを数えるな。
Don't count your chickens.
- みぞれ0
- mixture of snow and rainNoun
- せみ0
- beetlesNoun
- あかつき0
- daybreakNoun
- 暁を告げる
鶏鳴 The cock crows at dawn.
- 当選のあかつきには皆様のために一生懸命に働きます。
Once elected, I will do my best for all of you who supported me.
- 暁を告げる
鶏鳴 The cock crows at dawn.
- 当選のあかつきには皆様のために一生懸命に働きます。
Once elected, I will do my best for all of you who supported me.
- かつら0
- Osmanthus; Japanese LianthusNoun
- ふじ0
- wisteriaNoun
- 藤さんがあとに4人の子を残して死にました。
Mr. Fuji died, leaving 4 children behind him.
- 藤さんがあとに4人の子を残して死にました。
Mr. Fuji died, leaving 4 children behind him.
- まく2
- Membrane, FilmNoun