N5 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
51 | 締める | shimeru | to tie, to fasten, to tighten |
52 | 授業 | jugyou | lesson, class work, teaching, instruction |
53 | 知る | shiru | to know, to be aware (of), to be conscious (of), to learn (of), to find out, to discover |
54 | 吸う | suu | to smoke, to breathe in, to inhale |
55 | 住む | sumu | to live (of humans), to reside, to inhabit, to dwell, to abide |
56 | 座る | suwaru | to sit, to squat |
57 | 洗濯 | sentaku | washing, laundry |
58 | 出す | dasu | to take out, to get out |
59 | 立つ | tatsu | to stand, to rise, to stand up |
60 | 頼む | tanomu | to request, to beg, to ask |
61 | 食べる | taberu | to eat |
62 | 違う | chigau | to differ (from), to be different, to be distinct, to be unlike, to vary, to disagree (with) |
63 | 使う | tsukau | to use (a tool, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use |
64 | 疲れる | tsukareru | to get tired, to tire, to get fatigued, to become exhausted, to grow weary |
65 | 着く | tsuku | to arrive at, to reach |
66 | 作る | tsukuru | to make, to produce, to manufacture, to build, to construct |
67 | 勤める | tsutomeru | to work (for), to be employed (at), to serve (in) |
68 | 出かける | dekakeru | to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to leave, to depart, to start, to set out |
69 | テスト | tesuto | examination, quiz, test, tryout, trial |
70 | 出る | deru | to leave, to exit, to go out, to come out, to get out |
71 | 電話 | denwa | telephone call, phone call |
72 | 飛ぶ | tobu | to fly, to soar |
73 | 止まる | tomaru | to stop (moving), to come to a stop |
74 | 取る | toru | to take, to pick up, to grab, to catch |
75 | 撮る | toru | to take (a photograph) |
76 | 鳴く | naku | to make sound (of an animal), to call, to cry, to whine, to sing, to chirp |
77 | なくす | nakusu | to lose (something) |
78 | 習う | narau | to take lessons in, to be taught, to learn (from a teacher), to study (under a teacher), to get training in |
79 | 並ぶ | narabu | to line up, to stand in a line |
80 | 並べる | naraberu | to line up, to set up, to arrange in a line |
81 | 脱ぐ | nugu | to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.), to undress |
82 | 寝る | neru | to sleep (lying down) |
83 | 上る | noboru | to ascend, to go up, to climb |
84 | 飲む | nomu | to drink, to gulp, to swallow, to take (medicine) |
85 | 乗る | noru | to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.), to get in, to board, to take, to embark |
86 | 入る | iru | to enter, to come in, to go in, to get in, to arrive |
87 | 始まる | hajimaru | to begin, to start, to commence |
88 | 走る | hashiru | to run |
89 | 働く | hataraku | to work, to labor, to labour |
90 | 話す | hanasu | to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat |
91 | 張る | haru | to stick, to paste, to affix |
92 | 晴れる | hareru | to clear up, to clear away, to be sunny, to stop raining |
93 | 引く | hiku | to pull, to tug, to lead (e.g. a horse) |
94 | 弾く | hiku | to play (a stringed or keyboard instrument) |
95 | 吹く | fuku | to blow (of the wind) |
96 | 降る | furu | to fall (of rain, snow, ash, etc.), to come down |
97 | 曲がる | magaru | to bend, to curve, to warp, to wind, to twist |
98 | 待つ | matsu | to wait |
99 | 磨く | migaku | to polish, to shine, to burnish, to scour, to scrub, to brush (teeth), to grind (e.g. a lens) |
100 | 見せる | miseru | to show, to display |