N1 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
1051 | 赴任 | funin | moving to a different location to start a new job, (proceeding to) new appointment |
1052 | 腐敗 | fuhai | decomposition, putrefaction, putrescence, spoilage |
1053 | 普遍 | fuhen | universal, general, ubiquitous, omnipresent |
1054 | 踏まえる | fumaeru | to be based on, to take into account, to build upon, to have origin in |
1055 | 扶養 | fuyou | support (e.g. of one's dependents), maintenance |
1056 | 震わせる | shinwaseru | to (make something) quiver, to shake, to tremble, to vibrate |
1057 | 憤慨 | fungai | indignation, resentment |
1058 | 紛失 | funshitsu | loss, going missing |
1059 | 噴出 | funshutsu | spewing, gushing, spouting, eruption, effusion |
1060 | 紛争 | funsou | dispute, conflict, trouble, strife |
1061 | 奮闘 | funtou | strenuous effort, hard struggle, working hard |
1062 | ぶかぶか | bukabuka | too large (clothing), baggy, loose-fitting |
1063 | 侮辱 | bujoku | insult, affront, slight, contempt (e.g. of court) |
1064 | 武装 | busou | arms, armament, taking up arms, arming oneself |
1065 | ぶつける | butsukeru | to hit (e.g. one's head), to strike, to crash into |
1066 | ぶら下げる | burasageru | to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to swing, to carry |
1067 | ぶらぶら | burabura | dangling, swaying, swinging |
1068 | 分業 | bungyou | division of labor, division of labour, specialization, specialisation, assembly-line production |
1069 | 分散 | bunsan | dispersion, breakup, scattering, decentralization, decentralisation, distribution |
1070 | 分担 | buntan | taking on one's share (e.g. of work), dividing (work, expenses, etc.) between, apportionment, allotment, allocation, assignment |
1071 | 分配 | bunpai | division, splitting, sharing, distribution, dissemination, allocation |
1072 | 分離 | bunri | separation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation |
1073 | 分裂 | bunretsu | split, division, break up |
1074 | 閉口 | heikou | to be stumped, to be at a loss, to be at one's wits' end, to be nonplussed |
1075 | 並行 | heikou | going side-by-side, going abreast |
1076 | 閉鎖 | heisa | closing, closure |
1077 | 並列 | heiretsu | arranging in a line, standing in a row |
1078 | 辟易 | hekieki | to be fed up (with), to be tired (of), to be bored (with), to be unable to bear |
1079 | 隔たる | hedataru | to be distant |
1080 | へりくだる | herikudaru | to deprecate oneself and praise the listener, to abase oneself |
1081 | 経る | heru | to pass, to elapse, to go by |
1082 | 変革 | henkaku | change, transformation, reform, revolution, revolutionizing, innovation, upheaval |
1083 | 返還 | henkan | return, restoration |
1084 | 返済 | hensai | repayment, reimbursement, refund, redemption |
1085 | 変遷 | hensen | change, transition, vicissitudes |
1086 | 返答 | hentou | reply, answer |
1087 | 変動 | hendou | change, fluctuation |
1088 | 弁解 | benkai | explanation (e.g. for one's actions), excuse, justification, defense, defence |
1089 | 弁護 | bengo | defense, defence, pleading, advocacy |
1090 | 弁償 | benshou | compensation, indemnification, reparation, restitution, recompense |
1091 | 弁論 | benron | discussion, debate, argument |
1092 | 保育 | hoiku | nurturing, rearing, childcare, day care |
1093 | 崩壊 | houkai | collapse, crumbling, breaking down, caving in |
1094 | 放棄 | houki | abandonment, renouncement, renunciation, resignation, abdication, surrender, relinquishing, waiving, giving up |
1095 | 封建 | houken | feudalistic |
1096 | 奉仕 | houshi | service, ministry, attendance, church work |
1097 | 放射 | housha | radiation, emission |
1098 | 放出 | houshutsu | release, emission, ejection |
1099 | 報じる | houjiru | to inform, to report |
1100 | 報ずる | houzuru | to inform, to report |