N2 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
501 | バランス | baransu | balance |
502 | 張り切る | harikiru | to be in high spirits, to be full of vigor (vigour), to be enthusiastic, to be eager, to stretch to breaking point |
503 | 反映 | han'ei | reflection (of light) |
504 | 万歳 | banzai | banzai, hurray, hurrah, hooray |
505 | 反省 | hansei | reflection, reconsideration, introspection, meditation, contemplation |
506 | 日帰り | higaeri | day trip |
507 | ピカピカ | pikapika | with a glitter, with a sparkle |
508 | 引き受ける | hikiukeru | to take on, to undertake, to accept, to take charge of, to assume responsibility for |
509 | 引き返す | hikikaesu | to turn back, to go back, to come back, to return, to retrace one's steps |
510 | 引き算 | hikizan | subtraction |
511 | 引き出す | hikidasu | to pull out, to take out, to draw out |
512 | 引き止める | hikiyameru | to detain, to check, to restrain, to stop |
513 | ぴったり | pittari | tightly, closely |
514 | 引っかかる | hitsukakaru | to be caught in, to be stuck in |
515 | 筆記 | hikki | (taking) notes, copying |
516 | ひっくり返す | hikkurikaesu | to turn over, to turn upside down, to turn up, to turn inside out, to turn out |
517 | ひっくり返る | hikkurikaeru | to be overturned, to be reversed, to turn over, to capsize |
518 | 引っ越し | hikkoshi | moving (dwelling, office, etc.), changing residence |
519 | 引っ込む | hitsukomu | to draw back, to sink, to cave in |
520 | 一休み | hitoyasumi | (short) rest, breather, break |
521 | ひねる | hineru | to twist, to wrench, to turn (a switch on or off, etc.), to wring (a neck) |
522 | 響く | hibiku | to resound, to be heard far away |
523 | 冷やす | hiyasu | to cool (from room temperature), to chill, to refrigerate |
524 | 評論 | hyouron | criticism, critique |
525 | 昼寝 | hirune | (afternoon) nap, sleeping during the day, siesta |
526 | 広げる | hirogeru | to spread, to extend, to expand, to enlarge, to widen, to broaden |
527 | 広々 | hirobiro | extensive, spacious |
528 | 広める | hiromeru | to spread, to propagate, to popularize, to disseminate |
529 | 瓶詰め | binzume | bottling |
530 | 増える | fueru | to increase, to multiply |
531 | 深まる | fukamaru | to deepen, to heighten, to intensify |
532 | 普及 | fukyuu | diffusion, spread, popularization, promulgation, familiarization |
533 | 拭く | fuku | to wipe, to dry |
534 | 複写 | fukusha | copying, duplication, reproduction, copy |
535 | 含める | fukumeru | to include (in a group or scope) |
536 | 膨らます | fukuramasu | to swell, to expand, to inflate, to bulge |
537 | 膨らむ | fukuramu | to expand, to swell (out), to get big, to become inflated |
538 | 更ける | fukeru | to get late, to advance, to wear on |
539 | ふさがる | fusagaru | to be closed, to be blocked, to be healed (e.g. wound), to be shut up |
540 | 塞ぐ | fusagu | to stop up, to close up, to block (up), to plug up, to shut up, to cover (ears, eyes, etc.), to close (eyes, mouth) |
541 | ふざける | fuzakeru | to joke, to jest, to kid, to josh |
542 | 無沙汰 | busata | not writing or contacting for a while, neglecting to write (call, visit, etc.), failing to write (call, visit, etc.), long silence |
543 | 付属 | fuzoku | being attached (to), being affiliated (to), belonging (to), going with |
544 | ぶつかる | butsukaru | to bump into, to run into, to collide with, to hit, to strike |
545 | ぶつける | butsukeru | to hit (e.g. one's head), to strike, to crash into |
546 | 増やす | fuyasu | to increase, to add to, to augment |
547 | ぶら下げる | burasageru | to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to swing, to carry |
548 | プリント | purinto | print, printing, (printed) copy |
549 | 振る舞う | furumau | to behave, to conduct oneself |
550 | 噴火 | funka | eruption, volcanic eruption |