N4 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
151 | 光る | hikaru | to shine, to glitter, to be bright |
152 | 引き出す | hikidasu | to pull out, to take out, to draw out |
153 | 引っ越す | hikkosu | to move (house), to change residence |
154 | 開く | hiraku | to open, to undo, to unseal, to unpack |
155 | 拾う | hirou | to pick up, to gather |
156 | FAX | FAX | fax, facsimile |
157 | 増える | fueru | to increase, to multiply |
158 | 復習 | fukushuu | review (of learned material), revision |
159 | 太る | futoru | to put on weight, to gain weight, to grow fat, to get stout |
160 | 踏む | fumu | to step on, to tread on, to trample on |
161 | 降り出す | oridasu | to begin to rain, to begin to snow |
162 | プレゼント | purezento | present, gift |
163 | 返事 | henji | reply, answer, response |
164 | 貿易 | boueki | (foreign) trade, (international) commerce, importing and exporting |
165 | 褒める | homeru | to praise, to commend, to compliment, to speak well of, to speak highly of |
166 | 翻訳 | honyaku | translation |
167 | まいる | mairu | to go, to come, to call |
168 | 負ける | makeru | to lose, to be defeated |
169 | 間違える | machigaeru | to make a mistake (in), to commit an error (e.g. in calculation) |
170 | 間に合う | maniau | to be in time (for) |
171 | 回る | mawaru | to turn, to rotate, to revolve, to spin |
172 | 見える | mieru | to be seen, to be visible, to be in sight |
173 | 見つかる | mitsukaru | to be found, to be discovered |
174 | 見つける | mitsukeru | to discover, to find (e.g. an error in a book), to come across, to detect, to spot |
175 | 向かう | mukau | to face |
176 | 迎える | mukaeru | to go out to meet, to receive, to welcome, to greet, to salute, to hail |
177 | 召し上がる | meshiagaru | to eat, to drink |
178 | 申し上げる | moushiageru | to say, to tell, to state, to express, to offer, to extend (greetings, congratulations, etc.) |
179 | 申す | mousu | to say, to be called |
180 | 戻る | modoru | to turn back (e.g. half-way) |
181 | もらう | morau | to receive, to take, to accept |
182 | 焼く | yaku | to burn |
183 | 約束 | yakusoku | promise, agreement, arrangement, one's word, contract, pact, appointment, engagement, date |
184 | 役に立つ | yakunitatsu | to be helpful, to be useful |
185 | 焼ける | yakeru | to burn, to burn down, to go down in flames |
186 | 痩せる | yaseru | to become thin, to lose weight, to reduce (one's) weight, to slim |
187 | 止む | tomu | to cease, to stop, to be over |
188 | やめる | yameru | to stop (an activity), to cease, to discontinue, to end, to quit |
189 | 揺れる | yureru | to shake, to sway, to waver |
190 | 用意 | youi | preparation, arrangements, provision, getting ready, laying out (e.g. a meal) |
191 | 汚れる | yogoreru | to get dirty, to become dirty |
192 | 予習 | yoshuu | preparation for a lesson |
193 | 予定 | yotei | plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate |
194 | 予約 | yoyaku | reservation, appointment, booking, advance order |
195 | 寄る | yoru | to approach, to draw near, to come near, to be close to |
196 | 喜ぶ | yorokobu | to be delighted, to be glad, to be pleased |
197 | 利用 | riyou | use, utilization, utilisation, application |
198 | 留守 | rusu | absence, being away from home |
199 | 冷房 | reibou | air conditioning, air cooling |
200 | 連絡 | renraku | contacting, (making) contact, getting in touch, communication, correspondence, call, message |