N2 Adverb
# | Adverb | Romaji | Meaning |
1 | 相変わらず | aikawarazu | as usual, as always, as before, as ever, still |
2 | あくまで | akumade | to the end, to the bitter end, to the last, stubbornly, persistently, consistently, to the utmost |
3 | 明け方 | akegata | dawn |
4 | あちこち | achikochi | here and there, various places, all around, all over, everywhere, throughout |
5 | 改めて | aratamete | another time, again, over again, once again, anew |
6 | あれこれ | arekore | this and that, this or that, one thing or another, this way and that |
7 | 案外 | angai | unexpectedly, surprisingly |
8 | 生き生き | ikiiki | in a lively way, vividly, freshly, animatedly, actively, energetically |
9 | いきなり | ikinari | abruptly, suddenly, all of a sudden, without warning |
10 | 幾分 | ikubun | somewhat, to some extent, to some degree, part, portion |
11 | 以後 | igo | after this, from now on, hereafter |
12 | 以降 | ikou | on and after, from ... onward, since |
13 | いちいち | ichiichi | one-by-one, separately |
14 | 一応 | ichiou | more or less, though not quite satisfactorily, after a fashion, pretty much, roughly, so far as it goes |
15 | 一昨日 | issakujitsu | day before yesterday |
16 | 一昨年 | issakunen | year before last |
17 | 一斉 | issei | simultaneous, all at once |
18 | いったん | ittan | once |
19 | いつの間にか | itsunomanika | before one knows, before one becomes aware of, unnoticed, unawares |
20 | いよいよ | iyoiyo | more and more, all the more, increasingly |
21 | うっかり | ukkari | carelessly, thoughtlessly, inadvertently |
22 | うろうろ | urouro | restlessly, aimlessly, without purpose |
23 | うんと | unto | a great deal, very much, a lot |
24 | おおよそ | ooyoso | about, roughly, approximately |
25 | お先に | osakini | before, previously |
26 | 各々 | kakukaku | each |
27 | 思いっきり | omoikkiri | to one's heart's content, as much as one wants, as hard as one can, with all one's strength, to the best of one's ability, to the utmost, with determination, heavily |
28 | かえって | kaette | on the contrary, rather, instead, all the more |
29 | 各自 | kakuji | each (person), everyone, individual, respective |
30 | ぎっしり | gisshiri | tightly (packed), densely, closely, crammed |
31 | くれぐれも | kureguremo | sincerely, earnestly, wholeheartedly |
32 | 下旬 | gejun | last third of a month, 21st to the last day of a month |
33 | 月末 | getsumatsu | end of the month |
34 | 現に | genni | actually, really |
35 | こっそり | kossori | stealthily, secretly, in secret |
36 | こないだ | konaida | the other day, lately, recently |
37 | 再三 | saisan | again and again, repeatedly |
38 | 一昨昨日 | sakiototoi | two days before yesterday, three days back (ago) |
39 | 先ほど | sakihodo | a short while ago, a moment ago, just now, some time ago |
40 | さすが | sasuga | as one would expect, just as you'd expect (from), just like (someone) |
41 | 早速 | sassoku | at once, immediately, without delay, promptly |
42 | 再来月 | saraigetsu | month after next |
43 | 再来週 | saraishuu | week after next |
44 | 再来年 | sarainen | year after next |
45 | 明々後日 | shiasatte | in three days' time, two days after tomorrow |
46 | 始終 | shijuu | continuously, from beginning to end, from first to last |
47 | しみじみ | shimijimi | keenly, deeply, fully, heartily, seriously, earnestly |
48 | 順々 | junjun | in order, in turn |
49 | 上旬 | joujun | first 10 days of month |
50 | 初旬 | shojun | first 10 days of the month |