稀 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.
まれ mare まばら mabara
キ ki ケ ke
チャンスというものはいずれにしても、まれにしかない。Chances come rarely in any case.90歳以上生きることは決してまれではない。It is not rare at all to live over ninety years.忍耐は近頃まれな美徳です。Patience is a rare virtue these days.ピカソのような画家は稀だ。Such painters as Picasso are rare.彼女のような美しさはまれだ。Such beauty as hers is rare.日食はまれにしか起こらない。An eclipse of the sun is a rare appearance.彼女はまれにみる美しい女性だ。She is a woman of singular beauty.彼は世にもまれな大詩人である。He is the greatest poet that ever lived.彼は古来まれな芸術家だ。He is as great an artist as lived.彼は世にもまれな大詩人でした。He was as great a poet as ever lived.