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各 - N2 Kanji

Meaning of 各 意味

each, every, either

各 is one of the most commonly used Japanese kanji, and it also has a lot of special readings in addition to the standard onyomi and kunyomi readings.


おのおの onoono


カク kaku


各会員は会費を払うべし。Each member has to pay a membership fee.
各自席につきなさい。Go to your respective seats.
当時テレビが各家庭に現れだした。Television sets began to appear house by house at that time.
私は各生徒用に番号札を使います。I use numbered index cards for each student.
各部屋には大きな机が備えてある。Each room is equipped with large desks.
各目的地までの往復料金は下記の通りです。Round-trip fares to each destination are as follows.
各部門の優勝候補が集まった。The top favorites of each section were gathered together.
各国民にはそれぞれ独特の性格がある。Every nation has its peculiar character.
私の後について各文を復唱しなさい。Repeat each sentence after me.
ようやく各店舗に監視カメラが設置されることになった。Eventually it was decided that the stores be equipped with surveillance cameras.
