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Benefactive expression

N2・3 / 5 Page
  • Yamada: Kobayashi your handmade cookies are so delicious. Thank you.
  • Rin: You're welcome. It's great to hear you say yummy, Yamada.
  • 言ってもらえてよかった:能得到某人说...... That's great.
  • 言ってもらってもよかった:Even if you can get someone to say ...... That's great.
  • 言ってあげられてよかった:能给(某人) say ...... That's great.
  • 言ってあげてもよかった:even to (someone) ...... That's great.
  • The day I didn't go to school with the flu, so many of my friends called worried (and concerned), so happy.
  • 1~くれる: means someone else does it for me, "電話をかけてくれた" means to make a phone call
  • 2~Aげる: means I do for others
  • 3~てみることができる: indicates that one can try to do it
  • 4~てみることにした: to indicate a decision to try to do it
  • Yamakawa: I'm sorry, I borrowed the CD from Mr. Tamura, and I was going to return it to you today, but I forgot to bring it here.
  • Tamura: Ahhh, there's no rush on that one, just bring it to the next meeting.
  • 1持ってきてくれるはずだ:(You)should bring over
  • 2持ってきてあげるつもりだ:prepare to bring it over to you
  • 3 Hold ってきてくれればいい: (You) just bring it over here
  • 4Hold ってきてあげたほうがいい:It is better to bring it over to you
  • To the company that I decided to take up employment, I said that I wanted to work quickly, and after that I gave the company the ability to contact me to be able to enable me to work part-time for a period of time before taking up employment. The main idea of this question is to determine who does the action of アルバイトをする. Then distinguish between ことにする (decision) and ことになる (becomes ~. i.e., a non-subjective decision).
  • してあげることになった:ことになった。 Indicates a non-subjective decision. Shてあげる. Indicates doing it for someone else.
  • Shidemora Kotono: Kotono Kotono. It means to decide. してもらう means someone else does it for me.
  • させてあげるこよにした:させてあげる denotes to let ~ do, it is me letting someone else do something.
  • させてもらうことになった:させてもらう, meaning let me do it.
  • The former family had an organ. It was from a friend who moved out of state 5 years ago. Said he only played it once when he first bought it.
  • Correct ordering: 3412
  • Knowledge point: "動詞た形 + きりだ": a... Never again... , which means that after the former item occurred, the latter item never occurred again, so option 2 should be filled in the fourth blank. "Overseas に引っ越した" modifies "友達", so option 3 should be put before option 4. "もらったときに」indicates a specific point in time, so it is placed before option 2.